domingo, 5 de junio de 2011

salvation army

I am sure that if other salvationists discover this blog and if members of my family find it, there may be repercussions for me.  I know that there is a lot of ill-will out there.  Some years ago I wrote a couple of letters the the publication called "Salvationist" and both letters were in fact published.  My ex-wife did not attend Staines Corps on the Sunday saying that I had humiliated her!!  My brother telephoned my Mother and called her a bastard for sending the Salvation Army periodicals to me here in Spain.  My ex-wife pulled a few strings with friends at the International HQ of the Salvation Army (Queen Victoria Street, London) and the upshot was that the editor was told not to accept any further correspondence from me!   So you can see that they might even attempt to prevent me from blogging on this site!!

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